Thu, Dec 07
|Offices of SMPS

Time & Location
Dec 07, 2017, 5:30 p.m. – Dec 08, 2017, 8:30 a.m.
Offices of SMPS, 396 11 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R, Canada
About the Event
CCA Alberta Annual General Meeting 2017
AGM AT 5:30 PM
We welcome you to join us for our 2017 CCA Alberta Annual General Meeting for the purpose of:
1) Receiving and considering the report of the President and the Financial Statements.
2) Ratifying the actions of the Directors for the preceding year.
3) Electing Directors.
4) Discussing and approving any further business as may properly be presented before.
Pursuant to Article 9.02 of The Canadian Council of the Americas – Alberta Bylaws, notice is hereby given that the organization's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 7, 2017 commencing at 5:30 p.m at the offices of SMPS located at Suite 1050, 396 - 11th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB. T2R 0C5, Canada.
1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the Agenda. 3. Approval of the Minutes from the December 7, 2016 AGM. 4. Financial Report & Presentation of Financial Statements. 5. Election of 2017 Board of Directors. 6. President’s Report. 7. Questions from the Membership. 8. Closing Remarks/Adjournment/Official Picture New Board of Directors.
Note: The Financial Statements mentioned in item 1 will be available upon request. In order to vote at the AGM you MUST be a CCA-Alberta member. Please be sure to renew your 2017 Membership by December 7, 2017 to ensure your status is active for this meeting. RENEW MEMBERSHIP CCA_Alberta_Membership_Benefits_2018.pdf
The AGM will be followed by a Networking Reception with the participation of our special guest and keynote speaker Paloma Villaseñor, New Consul of Mexico for Alberta & Saskatchewan. CCA Alberta welcomes Consul Villaseñor to Alberta, and invite all our members to meet her at our final networking event for this year.
Special Guest and Keynote Speaker
Paloma Villaseñor Vargas, Consul of Mexico in Calgary
Consul Villaseñor recently arrived as the Consul of Mexico to Calgary. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences, a Master's Degree in Public Resources Management and a PhD in Innovation and Social Responsibility. She has worked for more than 20 years in Mexico’s Federal Government. She served as Federal Representative for two terms and one as a Local Representative. In her last Federal Representation, she successfully promoted and encouraged the approval of a general law to protect and serve people within the autistic spectrum.
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